Thursday, November 13, 2008

Isabella is making her list..and checking it twice

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more pics..

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Jenny and I went Christmas shopping together yesterday. The kids were so good that we rewarded them with some time in the playplace. Soo cute! :o)
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bella is growing up

I can't believe how grown up Isabella looks in this picture! She is going to be 4 in December..time goes by so fast!
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Daddy and Isabella




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Monday, November 3, 2008

more halloween..

We went to a costume party after dropping the kids off at grandma Debbie's house. Leah even came along and hung out with us old folks for a while.

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We spent Halloween trick or treating in my mom's neighborhood this year. Chris had to work late so my mom and brother walked around with us. Isabella never really got used to the awkwardness of going up to a strangers door, saying trick or treat, and getting candy. So needless to say I was the full-time carrier of the pink Tinkerbell fairy. Elijah and Chloe had no problem whatsoever, their bags were so heavy by the end of the night that they could barely carry them.  
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

**Cheering competition**

Chloe's competition was this Saturday. The girls were extremely excited and covered in glitter from head to toe. Chris chose to take this video zooming in from the top row of the bleachers for some, if you look very closely you will see Chloe is in the first row, the second from the right.

the days are flying by...

It has been a while since I last posted a blog. My relaxing summer full of fun, sleeping in, and no schedules came to an end the day school started. Along with the early bedtimes and early mornings came extracurricular activities that pretty much fill up our week. We really enjoy spending time outside watching games and practices.
Elijah is in his 6th season of soccer. His coach this year is the complete opposite to the one he had he had last spring. Although the games last year were pretty entertaining with all the cursing and screaming at the refs and kids..we really appreciate our new coach. He and his family just moved here from England and he is very nice and calm and the kids think he sounds a lot like Shrek :)
Chloe is in her first season of cheering. Honestly I am not sure if it is her calling, to me and my mother's dismay. She is a little bored with the same ol' cheers and isn't really that enthusiastic about cheering for "flag" football. I really think that it is because her coach looks like she took a handful of Valium before she stepped on the field, she has the energy and excitement a offense. :)
I hope Chloe gives it one more season before she throws in the towel, but she is already asking about gymnastics...
Isabella is going to begin ballet lessons with Annalise at the end of the month so she is really excited about that! We had to wait until Elijah and Chloe's season is over first, otherwise we would just be living in our car. While the kids are at school me and Isabella have been enjoying our afternoons together. The kids don't come home until 2:30 so we have time to go on play dates, shopping, zoo, story times, meet up with friends, etc..
It's been a crazy, yet wonderful start of the school year.
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Friday, August 8, 2008


With Grandma in the hospital I have been thinking a lot about the importance of family and remembering members of my own family that I loved and lost.
My mothers parents died long before I was born. So growing up I had my dad's parents Mildred and Cecil White. I lost both of my grandparents pretty young, I was 11 when my grandmother died and 15 when my grandad passed away. They were such wonderful people. My grandmother was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis and was cared for by my grandfather for years. They lived together in South Norfolk, I have so many memories going to their house and picking pecans in their yard. My grandmother couldn't get around so I would lay on the floor beside her and color in my coloring books. I was happy just to be in their presence..listening to them talk to my parents. My grandma was such a peaceful person and always had a smile on her face, regardless of all her health problems. My grandad always looked sharp with his hair slicked back and thin slice of a mustache.

I remember after my grandmother died I thought about my grandad and how lonely he was and I called him up one night. It was completely out of my shy character to do that, it completely caught him by surprise, we talked for hours. I didn't realize what an impact that made on him until his funeral. All these family members and friends of his that I didn't know where coming up to me and saying how my grandad told them about me calling him during one of his loneliest nights and how much it meant to him. His funeral was on my 15th birthday. Even then at my saddest of times I didn't realize how much more I would miss them as I grew up. I have so many questions I wish I could have asked them about their lives, childhood, experiences, advice, etc..They would get a kick out of my silly kids and be so proud of how my brother and I turned out. Instead I am left with old pictures and memories. That will do for now, but one day I will be able to ask my questions...
I love this photo! It is my grandfather and his friends way back in the day. They just look so cool, like they are up to no good :) Grandad is the one on the right.

There is my grandmother as a teenager when her and grandad first started dating <3

Grandad looking smooth..
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

piney river..last one..i promise

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piney river part 3

Even Lily went for a swim..we were amazed..we had never seen Lily swim before! I think even she was amazed..

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piney river part 2

Isabella eventually got into the "swing" of things...
For the first time ever we went camping during blackberry season. The kids were thrilled..I was scared of the black bears!
We had the waterfall all to ourselves! Nothing like freezing mountain water..
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Piney River..

This weekend we took a camping trip to Piney River. It is our favorite place to camp in the summer. The weather is always a perfect 70 degrees and the nights are in the cool 50's. The kids loved climbing the rocks and making dams. It was so nice seeing them playing together again like when they were little.
Elijah learned how to throw knives and make a fire. His new skills kept him busy for hours...
Isabella eventually got used to the great outdoors..bugs..dirt..etc...are not any of her favorite things..
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