Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the days are flying by...

It has been a while since I last posted a blog. My relaxing summer full of fun, sleeping in, and no schedules came to an end the day school started. Along with the early bedtimes and early mornings came extracurricular activities that pretty much fill up our week. We really enjoy spending time outside watching games and practices.
Elijah is in his 6th season of soccer. His coach this year is the complete opposite to the one he had he had last spring. Although the games last year were pretty entertaining with all the cursing and screaming at the refs and kids..we really appreciate our new coach. He and his family just moved here from England and he is very nice and calm and the kids think he sounds a lot like Shrek :)
Chloe is in her first season of cheering. Honestly I am not sure if it is her calling, to me and my mother's dismay. She is a little bored with the same ol' cheers and isn't really that enthusiastic about cheering for "flag" football. I really think that it is because her coach looks like she took a handful of Valium before she stepped on the field, she has the energy and excitement a offense. :)
I hope Chloe gives it one more season before she throws in the towel, but she is already asking about gymnastics...
Isabella is going to begin ballet lessons with Annalise at the end of the month so she is really excited about that! We had to wait until Elijah and Chloe's season is over first, otherwise we would just be living in our car. While the kids are at school me and Isabella have been enjoying our afternoons together. The kids don't come home until 2:30 so we have time to go on play dates, shopping, zoo, story times, meet up with friends, etc..
It's been a crazy, yet wonderful start of the school year.
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